A happy baby through it all |
Today marks the exactly a week since Faye's Ascites. At 5:00 pm last Monday, she received her first dose of Lasix. Now a long week of waiting and hoping for the Lasix to work along with the Aldactone, still no changes. Honestly, her hernia has been distending even more these past few days. This morning though, the GI team examined it and said as long as it pushes back in, it's fine. Also the surgery team came in and ordered an ultrasound to figure out what's going on. At this point, we are assuming there is a blood clot in one of her veins which I'm praying isn't in her main portal vein. If it is in her main portal vein, from what I have researched, it means she will not be eligible for a living liver donor. Fingers crossed though. Though they did say if she does have a blood clot, they were prescribe blood thinners and hope that'll fix the problem. Also, they did give us an update that they will be doing the Paracentesis tomorrow. She was able to get her ultrasound around 10:00 am so now we are just waiting for the results.
August 25 to August 26; hernia veins protrude
Also, big sister Leah was able to hold Faye today! Such a great sister, I love my girls
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