Surgery day was pretty rough on us because there was no set time for when they would perform on her. The nurses just told us, just to be safe, we would stop her feeds at 2:00 am. A rough night passed and 8:00 am in the morning had came, I was informed that we wouldn't be going for surgery that early and it could either be at 11:00 am or 2:00 pm. All we could that now was wait for when they would take us in. Anybody hospital parent would know that keeping your baby NPO is not a fun thing. We went the entire nigh and no the entire morning to afternoon still NPO. 11:00 am passed and at 12:16 pm the nurses let us know that we would be the 2:00 pm operation. Still though, we were still not able to give Faye anything. The entire day consisted of trying to keep her asleep so she wouldn't be awake and angry hungry. Finally 2:00 pm came along and all we heard was that surgery for the previous patient was going longed than expected. 4:41 pm came around, the surgeon walked in and said he'd have to delay Faye's surgery. Relieved that we had an answer but upset out baby went NPO all night and day for no reason, Dr. Anselmo let us know that he would be back and her surgery would be set for 9:30 pm.
We continued to wait the longest 3-4 hours ever, 8:45 pm they took us down to prep in the O.R. They explained everything to us, prepared Faye and by 10:00 pm we walked her to the doors where they took our baby girl.
Faye and Mommy |
Faye's belly before surgery |
Faye and Daddy |
Faye with her Aunties and sister |
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