Saturday, August 11, 2012

Concerns arise

May 28, 2012 my sweet baby, Faye Seraphina was born. A few hours after her birth, the nurse informed us that she would have to be put under the bili lights because her bilirubin levels were high. After 24 hours of phototherapy, they discharged us, though her levels stayed the same, because she was now 2 days old, she was now at a lower intermediate level.

I had taken her to her first well baby visit at 5 days but all the doctor said was to continue formula feeding and putting her in sunlight. 3 weeks later, when she turned 4 weeks, I was still concerned because her eyes were still very yellow.But then I took her in when she was a month because her eyes were still yellow. The doctor examined her and said that the eyes were the last place for the yellow to leave, which could take up to 6 weeks.

And of course, I believed the doctor and gave it 6 weeks. We went to her 2 month check up when she was 10 weeks, to a new doctor.

August 10, 2012 at 2:30pm we arrived at the doctors office. We waited in the room and right when he walked in, he was very concerned. He put in orders to do blood tests and told us he would inform us right away with the results.

7:00 pm that night, Dr. Wu called me very concerned and told me to go to the Emergency Room right away. All I can remember is him telling me that her direct bilirubin levels were very high, liver enzymes were high and to tell them something about Biliary Atresia. I didn't know what that all meant but my life would never be the same after.

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