Friday, August 24, 2012

Albumin, Lasix and Aldactone

August 23, 2012 Faye's Ascites hasn't subsided and to be honest, it's so overwhelming. The worse part is when the surgeon said, "The baby that had surgery the same day as yours, is going home today because she doesn't have Ascites." I don't understand why she would say that to me but that definitely got to me.
They ordered a third X-ray because they were still concerned but luckily this time around, they were able to do it in our room at 8:00 am.
Also, this day is the day that the GI team decided to give her 17cc of Albumin;

"Albumin helps move many small molecules through the blood, including bilirubin, calcium, progesterone, and medications. It plays an important role in keeping the fluid from the blood from leaking out into the tissues."

at 1:40 pm hoping that will help Faye's body. They also increased her dose of Lasix from 2mg to 4mg at 4:45 pm. Also, it may have been how harsh the albumin was but unfortunately, Faye's scalp IV went bad and she had to get another one in her left arm.

August 24, 2012 6:50 am the surgeons made their rounds and once again told me there is no way Faye can go home with her stomach so tense. Faye received another 17cc of Albumin and this day they decided to increase Lasix to 3 times a day rather than the original 2 times a day.

Also big sister Leah decided to be very helpful. It melted my heart.

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