Saturday, August 25, 2012

First shower in the hospital

It's been two weeks since Faye has gotten a proper shower. Yes, that has been how long we've been in the hospital. The week has been very draining but I'm glad it's the weekend. Faye has Daddy around all day and lots of supporting visitors. Today our PCSA was kind enough to give Faye a real bath, with water, not those useless wash wipes. Of course baby girl wasn't fond of it (she's never liked baths much to begin with). But she was all fresh and clean and hopefully that made her feel better!
The day went by pretty slow until my family arrived. Today I was happy to have our nurse Kathy though, she saw that I was getting worried that I saw no improvement in Faye's Ascites. I kept asking when they would increase her Aldactone dosage. That is when she asked if I would like to see her labs and then began explaining all the improvements. I'd have to get into more details with her numbers another time, but I'm just glad I now understand why the surgery team weresn't too concerned. She's slowly doing better from what the labs are saying, despite her distended belly.

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